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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Update on life!

So long time no post... Lots has changed in my life since my last post. So let's use this one to catch up on things!

1. New Job: I left my job in Greenwood last fall and moved north (although still in Arkansas) to Pea Ridge. Pea Ridge is a town ~3,000 in northwest Arkansas. It is about 15 mins away from the Rodgers/Bentonville metro area. I was able to find part time work at Oak View Animal Clinic here in Pea Ridge. It is a predominately small animal clinic (80%) with the remaining work divided between catlle, horses, and small ruminants.

2. New Name: Approximately 4 months ago, I married my best friend Matt Fry back in Kansas. The legal name change process has taken a long time, and in fact in still in the process. Between driver's liscence, SS #, and the normal stuff- take that times a hundred when you have veterinary liscencing and accrediation to worry about! So, now you can all call me Dr. Fry :)
3. New member of the family: During the move and the wedding, we made an addition to our family. Meet Sadie, a energetic chocolate lab puppy who loves chewing rawhides, playing ball, and sunbathing on out kitchen floor. There's never a dull moment with her around.

I hope to be posting more often. Posts may vary between work and life. So enjoy your Sunday!