? ??????????????Volcano? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (71 Ratings)??58 Grabs Today. 5495 Total Grabs. ??????Pre
view?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Big Ben (London)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.5 (55 Ratings)??55 Grabs Today. 2587 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Rocks and Sea BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, March 29, 2010


Monday's are always bad days, that's just the nature of the day. I hate it when I walk in the door in the morning after a weekend off and have absolutely no clue what I'm walking in to (which most of the time is a screaming hurricane of a mess). Even after I have been on call that weekend, I just dread going into work, cause it means another 5 days of work before I am able to escape.

But anyhoo.... here's the summation of how this Monday went:

(Notice the perfect symmetry of the feline canine teeth as they sunk into my arm....)